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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: CHINA: From what I've noticed in the past few

John wrote.......

"they sure look like a healthy, happy and content group of people to me"

Can't be all that healthy with that thick layer of smog hanging over the city all the time. And the person who killed the american tourist the other day & then committed suicide, must not have been too happy. Andy - Las Vegas

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CHINA: From what I've noticed in the past few days
Re: CHINA: From what I've noticed in the past few
vbg vbg vbg vbg
Re: CHINA: From what I've noticed in the past few
Yeah... I think I remember reading that Marco Polo
And your point is???
Re: And your point is???
Nice try, but I'm not biting....
Re: Nice try, but I'm not biting....
Hey Mark! grin The guy in your picture...
Re: And your point is???

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