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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: London Ritz Plaques. Are other Denoms Known ?

Hi Doug,

aren't these Abbiati sample plaques? I remember that I bought some of the plaques in a bunch with other Abbiati samples some years ago.
Did they really use marked plaques at the Ritz Club? (How many players would play with £2500 plaques at one table, so that the casino
have to use marked and not marked plaques?)

I guess you know that Abbiati often use samples that looks like they were used at a casino.

But maybe I am wrong and the plaques I had some years ago looks a little different than yours in the picture.
If I remember correct, the £5000 in your picture could be one of the samples you bought from me. Correct?

Best regards,
Björn Zabel

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London Ritz Plaques. Are other Denoms Known ?
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Re: London Ritz Plaques. Are other Denoms Known ?
Re: London Ritz Plaques. Are other Denoms Known ?
Re: London Ritz Plaques. Are other Denoms Known ?
Re: London Ritz Plaques. Are other Denoms Known ?
Bjoern, I actually bought these plaques as sample
Actually it was me that had an undrilled

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