Re: Don't be a liar Rick

You just don't get it do you?
All along it has been your "tough tittie" attitude about this whole thing. Right from the beginning of my inquiries,you have exhibited a total lack of professionalism in this deal,from your mono syllabic email answers to my concerns to your general lack of business sense right up to eading people to believe that I REFUSED INSURANCE and then coming up with this "I will sell you new ones for $25" nonsense. AHHH...that is such a nice gesture...give me a break!
Your reputation is at stake here my friend. Obviously it is not that important to you.
You have been selling these two denominations of chips for a while now which tells me that you have several more since you are offering replacments to me. Assuming that you have a bunch hanging around,I will assume that you have more than made your money back on your initial investment. Even a fool with a modicum of a brain,would look at this whole thing and say: "Hmmmm...maybe I will take this guy's word that they did not arrive and maybe I will send him replacements,especially since Rick(who has perfect feedback and is a club member) has promised that if the chips EVER SHOW up,that he will gladly return either the replacements or the cash refund. But have chosen the sanctimonious route of blaming your customer because he did not take insurance that was "offered".
I have literally purchased thousands of items from eBay as well as hundreds of chips from people here on the chipboard. Never once did I have a problem nor has anyone ever had a problem with me over a sale or trade.
You have acted like a punk in this deal. So don't lay this "I am so noble" crap on me. If you were a professional and even a gentleman there would not even be an issue here.
Jesus REALLY do not get it do you?