Thanks, Michael.

Messages In This Thread
- Courtesy and professionalism...a question
- hit 'em with the negative.
- Here are his negs...see any similarities?
- This is a member?....WOW!!!
- With all those negs ...
- Re: With all those negs ...I was warned
- WOW! Less than 30 seconds after my post...
- Something positive from another member
- Rick, can you post his ebay name?
- email me and I will give it to you
- Rick Can I have money too? LOL....
- Holy Hot Controversy Batman
- Isn't there a 30 time limit on feedback?
- Re: Isn't there a 30 time limit on feedback?
- Yes. I meant 30 day time limit.
- Re: Yes. I meant 30 day time limit.
- Re: Yes. I meant 30 day time limit.
- What a load of crap!
- Rick Is 100% Correct
- I'll bet you 100 chips that the USPS will tell any
- Wrong
- Let's hope it doesn't get to "a court of law"
- Rick, I think you are way out of line.
- David with all due respect...
- "you are not privy to the emails"
- Well David...since you ask...
- A poor attitude from you also.
- I disagree with you, David
- Opinion noted, and I will add......
- Re: A poor attitude from you also.
- OK, lets be realistic for a minute.
- Re: OK, lets be realistic for a minute.
- Aye Carumba.....David,David,
- Re: Aye Carumba.....David,David,
- I was told that I could NOT insure To Canada
- Priority mail to Canada is insured
- Re: What a load of crap!
- Wow.....
- Josh.........
- Re: Yes. I meant 30 day time limit.
- Re: Courtesy and professionalism...a question
- Re: Here is my thinking
- Re: Courtesy and professionalism...a question
- Re: Courtesy and professionalism...a question
- Send it to Vegas!
- Re: Send it to Vegas!
- Here is what to do.......
- But who knows.......
- Question for Rick
- My take on "Insurance"
- Re: Question for Rick
- Raises a question though........
- Re: Raises a question though........
- At the end of the day though,
- Re: Courtesy and professionalism...a question
- Re: Courtesy and professionalism...a question
- Am I the only person who noticed this...?
- Good Point
- Re: Am I the only person who noticed this...?
- Re: Am I the only person who noticed this...?
- Code of Ethics?
- Re: Code of Ethics?
- I agree ......
- I don't want to go that route
- Re: I agree ......
- We Have Been Over This Before and
- Just a suggestion
- Everyone has an opinion, so do I
- I would never ship anything of value w/o insurance
- So, Rick... Care to tell the class what you've ..
- I learned this:
- Rick you sure have a lot of bad luck!
- Since you asked for opinions, here's mine...
- Why is it so hard to understand the risk of loss?
- Maybe you can sleep at night with that...
- I N S U R A N C E
- Show me a link to the auction...
- I haven't read the auction description ...
- Under insurance, it says, "none"
- No idea and because this has gone on for far too l
- Lets end this discussion..this is getting silly
- Don't be a liar Rick
- Re: Don't be a liar Rick
- Yawn.............
- Re: I N S U R A N C E
- Re: Maybe you can sleep at night with that...
- Oops. I didn't mean for my post...
- You are a fine, upstanding guy, Brian
- Re: Wherer is the basic rule of law..
- It's part of the Uniform Commercial Code
- Re: It's part of the Uniform Commercial Code
- Re: It's part of the Uniform Commercial Code
- Re: It's part of the Uniform Commercial Code
- Yes...
- Re: Yes...
- Re: Yes...
- Re: litigated to death long ago
- Find a case that shows that I'm wrong
- Here's the "UCC" From Cornell Univ Law School site
- See Part 3: § 2-301 General Obligations of Parties
- It's UCC section 2-509
- ok here's my rebuttal argument
- Nice try
- Re: Nice try
- In this case, Gene, you are wrong
- Re:Sorry I pitched the fork
- Wait, Aaron Should Be Around Soon
- Not that soon I wouldn't think
- Who needs Aaron, anyway? We have Gene to interpret
- Re: you are wrong Maybe Not!!!
- ok, now you have me
- Thanks, Michael.
- One final point
- PLease
- Rich, you have holes in your example...
- Re: Rich, you have holes in your example...
- I guess we can agree to disagree...
- Re: I guess we can agree to disagree...
- arrrg!!!
- I'm done.
- Also I wanted to say thanks for the debate...
- Here's a better example:
- I don't buy this argument..
- Re: I don't buy this argument..
- Re: I don't buy this argument..
- Re: I don't buy this argument..
- Re: I don't buy this argument..
- Mailing receipt ..
- Excellent point, Michael (about no insurance).
- You are 100% correct , Barry
- I don't agree .......................
- Yes, as I noted elsewhere ...
- Good grief John....
- "Good grief.."? Josh shows us he offered insurance
- Hmmmm...guess this isn't going away
- Geez... I looked at your auction and don't see....
- Re: Courtesy and professionalism...a question
Copyright 2022 David Spragg