Feb. 21 of this year the town suffered a 6.0 earthquake. I'd seen some pictures of the damage to the towns historic Front St. so I wanted to make sure I pulled into the place this year. Truly a sad sad sight. We'll start off with some images of the Bullshead, before and after.
The last couple of visits, I'd seen evidence of some "sprucing up" of some of the facades on Front St. and placards denoting historical data of the various buildings. I imagine the folks responsible are pretty disheartened these days.
Now the whole Front St. historic experience sits behind a chain link fence. Didn't hunt down any of the locals for info on life since. Didn't see any other evidence of damage in town. The 4-Way Cafe/casino is open and the Flying J that used to have chips is also. The Pequop Hotel, Chinatown Casino and Ranchhouse casino have survived.
There is an interesting website for Wells, too bad they don't have an update on life since the 'quake. http://www.wellsnevada.com/
I'll wind this up with views of the El Rancho. I always thought this would make a pretty neat clubhouse!
Unfortunately the whole back wall has caved in towards the front and taken the roof with it, no way of saving this neat old building.