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The Chip Board Archive 18
I sold the $2.50 for $60.00
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SUPER-RARE chip for sale......
was about 4 years ago. Didn't know they were that expensive.
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SUPER-RARE chip for sale......
Guess I should have bought them
Yeah. I remember you saying they're worth only $3
Re: Yeah. I remember you saying they're worth only
Does anyone know what games were played?
He had the $1.00. Never saw the $2.50
I was in Miami Beach in 1967; The Castaways ...
WOOOO!!! The Wreck Lounge
Yep, and before that I used to hang out up near U
Wish I still had the shaker beer can, WOOOO
I sold the $2.50 for $60.00
Have you heard of other denominations?
No just the two,
I remember Mike B. linking to a website w/ a $2.50
Here's Mike's site showing the $2.50
I spoke with a few World's Fair collectors ...
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