So here's the contest:
As stated, there are 500 chips in my Las Vegas collection. They range from NCV through all other denominations. What is the total FACE value of the 500 chips in my LV catalog?
Please respond to this post with your name, member number and your guess. One guess only, please. The member with the guess closest to the total value will win the chips in the follwing scan. It's not a big haul, but hey, free chips is free chips. If someone gets is bang on the money, I'll toss in a $5 Mandalay Bay Bitter Rivals Ortiz/Shamrock and Sylvia/Arlovski chip.
Please note, that the scan shows a grey Riv Rub for Luck chips. Appearantly my scanner thinks it's grey, not orange.
Good luck, and I will announce the winner tomorrow night when I am finished in the garage, about 9 or so MST.