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The Chip Board Archive 18

Horseshoe Sou. IN Chips (formerly Caesars IN)

Here's a scan of the chips. Three trips to Kinko's to get it. LOL. Don't ask.

I like the chips. Think they're classically attractive though players around here have been knocking their appearance. Agree or disagree? It's already rumored that .25 centers will be recalled due to similarity to $1. There is a grand opening next week and will keep eyes open for GO chips for those who have asked.

Orders: (not uncirculated, been on tables about a week)

.25cent thru $25 set for $45 total.

.25cent thru $5 for $18.

$1 chips $3 for one ($2 each additional).

Email me if you want any.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg