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The Chip Board Archive 18

79 Irasquin Blvd., Aruba

One location, 8 casinos

1. Aruba Sheraton
2. Grand Casino
3. Hart Casino
4. Aruba Palm Beach
5. Palm Casino
6. Merengue
7. Centurion
8. Cool Casino

Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

What's the record for casion name changes?
Re: What's the record for casino name changes?
Re: What's the record for casion name changes?
Re: wellll.....not to be picky, but...
Re: What's the record for casion name changes?
Finally, the full, complete, and correct name!
79 Irasquin Blvd., Aruba
8 names for one location. That probably takes it.
Ho Jo>20th Century>Treasury>San Remo>Hooters
That's only 5. Michael has us both beat.
Paradise got skipped
Polynesian Got Skipped...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg