This is by far the most chips I have ever come home with. I traded for more chips this convention that my last 3 combined! I love the trade secessions!!! Thank you very much to everyone that traded with me. It was great meeting so many of you. I can’t wait until next year.
I also spent more money on chips than at prior conventions. I would like to send out a thank you to all of the dealers that helped me find the few Ontario chips that were out there (Especially Luke). As for other areas of my collection, I really loaded up from the dealers. Based on the quoted shipping charges that I get shafted on by most Ebay sellers
for shipping to Canada, I feel that I got some great deals
I would also like to thank all of the volunteers, & Dawn and Mike for all of your hard work so that I could have so much fun!
Hopefully I will be back next year.
Frank Hocevar R-4861