Kudos For David Spragg
For several months the Club was without a convention auction chairperson. This is another semi-thankless job involving many hours of work to assemble a quality list of auction lots, produce an auction catalog and organize and run the auctual auction. There was a real possibility that there wouldn't be a Bruce Landau Auction at this year's convention. David stepped up and volunteered and did a fantastic job in a very short period of time. He collected a fine assortment of auction lots, produced a great catalog, and set up internet pre-bidding. By moving the auction an hour earlier and (thanks to Jim Kruse) keeping a good pace on the bidding, the auction was over before 7:30 pm giving people most of Friday night to enjoy in Vegas. In previous years the auction would last until late in the evening. I'm told that the auction had winning bids totalling nearly $30,000 with about $7,260 going to the Club treasury. This was nearly double last year's take. From my perspective this was a $7,260 contribution from David Spragg.