Prices include shipping, add 3% for paypal. Unsold chips will be discounted at least 10% each posting until sold. Anticipate reposting every day or two. Replies by email please, not reply posts. I can send higher resolution scans by email that are too big to post here.
If you are looking for something in particular, LMK since I have other non-dupes obsolete Nevada for sale/trade.
Mint $.25 -- $35, NOW $31
Las Vegas Club $.25 -- $40 (note worn inlay weaker side) NOW $36
Dunes $1 -- $25 (rarely seen in this shape) NOW $22
Hotel Nevada $1 -- $10, NOW $9
Cal-Vada Lodge $1 -- $25 NOW $22
Silver Slipper Bicent $1 -- $90 (better edges, will roll) NOW $81
Silver Slipper Bicent $1 -- $80 (will stand) NOW $72
Better Side
Weaker Side