The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 18

grin NCR • Thursday Humor...

Harry Goldberg has been elected the next president of the United States... the first Jewish boy to reach the Whitehouse. He is very proud and phones his mother in New York to invite her to the inauguration.

Harry: Momma, guess what! I've just been elected president; won't you come to my inauguration?

Mrs. Goldberg: Harry! You know I hate trains. I can't face the journey all the way to Washington... Maybe next time.

Harry: Momma! You will take no train. I’ll send Air Force One to get you. The trip will only take 30 minutes. Come to my inauguration, please...

Mrs. Goldberg: Harry, I hate hotels. The non-kosher food! Nahh, maybe next time.

Harry: Momma!! You will stay in the White House... A kosher chef to yourself. PLEASE come.

Mrs. Goldberg: Harry! I have nothing to wear!

Harry: I have someone on his way to take you to Bloomingdale's to make you look perfect. You must come!!!

Mrs. Goldberg: Okay, okay, I suppose I will come.

Inauguration day comes. Mrs. Goldberg is seated in the front row, next to the Secretary of State. Harry is about to be sworn in as the next president.

Mrs. Goldberg pokes the Secretary of State in the ribs and says, "Hey, you see that boy Harry? His sister is married to a doctor!"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg