Re: A view of the election ... A bunch of crap!.
Actually, Obama has a history of protecting criminals while villifying law abiding citizens. He proposed a federal law which banned federal firearms dealers from operating within 5 miles of a school or park. That would essentially ban any firearms sale to the arctic circle. But when he had a chance to vote on whether teenage gang members could be charged as adults when firing a gun on school grounds, he voted "present" which is essentially voting no!. In 2001, when Illinois lawmakers tried to rein in rampant gang violence , he voted against the death penalty for gang members who commit murder in order to help their gang. He also stated that he believed mandatory sentencing laws for armed and violent predators should be abolished. But then he voted AGAINST a bill that would exonerate citizens for using a gun to defend themselves in their homes. What part of this is crap toyou? Al of these facts can be looked up if you want to take the time to vote by being informed, rather than voting by emotion. Don't forget, George Bush is not running for re-election.