Re: John, no matter who's elected ...
Gee, John .. I honestly can't think of very many "smart" things that Bush has done.
Putting partisanship aside, maybe you can clue me in on some?
To me, and just about everyone I talk to, Bush has been the most incompetent, and idealogically driven president during my 60 years on this planet.
And as I'm so fond of saying, I don't think the history books will be judging Bush's presidency too kindly.
He has given us the horrible mess in Iraq, a mess we were NOT in until he put us there!
He has given us the largest debt and deficts in history!
Government has exploded into the largest it has ever been under his administration!
Under his watch, his administration outted a CIA operative during a time of war, just for cheap political gains!
His responce to Hurricain Katrina was absolutely pathetic!
No-bid contracts to corperations that have now been proven to have gouged the American tax-payers to the tune of Billions of Dollars!
He has appointed to important positions of power not the most competent, but instead, the most loyal idealogs, creating the most partisan and idealogical administration during my lifetime!
Cronyism has come to define his presidency for many us!
He politicized our Justice Department for political gains, unlike any previous administration in recent history!
The list just goes on and on and on!