The show tables are 8' tables, free parking and a snack bar. I like the idea of collector friendly (and always have, I am a collector too) and will provide a nice area for trading, no selling in this area.
A word about advertising. I will run ads in the Club magazine, banners on this board, an ad in Casino News, listings in the coin papers, flyers at the coin shops and antique stores in the area, postings on this board and press releases to the local media. I worked for the Los Angeles Times for 33 years in the advertising department and know the cost of advertising to the masses in Southern California....simply, can't afford it. So I have to depend on what I know and your support and word of mouth.
The Bellflower Show and CASINORAMA have become traditions and are missed by many, including me. I hope I can have all of you as supporters. Please let me know if you would like an application for a dealer table. Almost forgot to tell you that coin dealers will be asked to participate too. Thanks and I would be happy to hear suggestions and ideas....Jim