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The Chip Board Archive 18

The North East Chippers Gathering is Coming! grin

Jim Gagnon, the gracist host, and I have planned a gathering of North East chippers to be held this June 7th in Connecticut. We have already sent out invitations, by e-mail, to the following people:

Dick Bartley
John Berube
Archie Black
Richard Carbin
Brian Cashman
Westen Charles
Len Cipkins
Wayned Delia
Justin Ferris
Jim Gagnon
Jim Garrard
John Genualdi
Irwin “Doc” Gross
Scott Harmon
Barry Hauptman
Bob Hiestand
Jesse Hugg
Charles Kaplan
David Kielbasinski
Bruce Konick
Steve Lane
Travis Lewin
Paul Liscio
Allan & Ann McCurdy
Peter Nathan
Ralph Pollack
Bill Romano
Eric Rosenblum
Chris Sevick
Dave Smith
Phyllis Spagnola
Joseph St. Onge
Don Tassie
Bob Touts
Lin Weisenstein

If your name is on the list and you have not received an invitation (by e-mail), please write me and I will send you one. If your name is NOT on the list, but you are interested in going, please write me as well.

We hope for a nice turnout. In any case, we are sure it will be a fun day of chipping and socializing.

Michael Siskin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg