Re:Pay someone...
You don't pay a Chair, you pay a Director. Board members are never paid. Jobs that need to be done are the responsibility of the Director. Board oversees the Director. Jobs that the Director can't do or the Board Members are not willing to do should be paid. This should all be spelled out in the bylaws. The Director position is reviewed once a year, Board members have terms and are re-elected or not, every few years. Committees are formed with a committee Chair to tackle specific tasks with Board and regular volunteer members involved, they report their findings back to the BOD. The Director position should be a full-time job with benefits. At some point club dues should go up. Board members should pay at least $1000 yearly for their Board dues. Club should invest in a strategic planner that knows less about chips and more about organizing and growing a not for profit. That planner will talk to a sample group that comprises the different positions and interests of club members including all Board members and a portion of club members. The planner will identify the club's strengths and weaknesses and formulate a plan for growth based on the findings.
We don't have to reinvent the wheel here, but we do have to preserve the things that make this club and hobby special as it grows into the future.