In one post you say "Well then don't wonder why the club can't retain/attract new members."
In a second post you say
"The CC & GTCC should hire a paid professional to put the Convention together, raise the annual dues to $100 if you have to."
Where exactly are you coming up with the club growth will come from Hiring a Professional and raising dues?
Have you done any research to support your findings? Have you been involved with putting on a convention yourself? For that matter, have you ever been involved with putting on our own convention thru volunteering or chairing a committee?
I believe that Archie has discussed numerous times the problems with moving the convention yet some people still believe that the only reason we dont is because we decide not to.
By the way, if we pay the Conventiuon chair, what about the membership officer? The Magazine Editor, The Registration folks, The Treasurer, Our Legal Council, The Club Librarian ?
Dont they deserve to be paid just like the convention chairs do?
Just something to think about.