I would however like to dispute several points that you read into my post that I feel simply were not there.
1) The guys real middle name is Hussain right? Am I living in a world that is so pathetically politically correct that I cant use someones legal name? If the name is so offensive, why did his parents give it to him? If the name is so Racest as you call it why has he chosen not to legally change it? I can't for the life of me see how you turned my using someones REAL name into some form of racial hatred. Simply not true and I am disgusted that you feel the need to suggest that.
2) The last several times I saw someone post something about gas prices, it was just hours before someone felt the need to blame George Bush and his foreign policies for this. I dont remember you coming to the defense of the Republican party when that post was made. I have to assume that your choice not to do so was as partisan as mine to make the post.
3) The Post was made in Jest (Hence the numerous smiley faces throuout the post).
4) Politics is part of life both in the real world and on this board. If I came out and made a post full of hatred towards a particular party (I dont see mentioning any particular party above) I can see your point. However this post was not that. Many of the things I said were actually stated by this candidate you defend. It bothers me deeply of Mr Obamas affiliation with the Reverand Wright and I feel it should bother most Americans no mater what your party affiliation.
5) I sincerely hope that you feel the need to jump to the defense of the Republican party with such fervor next time you see a post you feel is inflamatory towards them.
In closing, I would like to say that I will not stop calling out those whom I feel will do great harm to our country. While I consider myself far from a racest and anyone who knows me will tell you that, I simply will not sugar coat my feelings to remain politically correct so that anyone with thin skin does not get offended. I will continue to promote what I feel is right and would hope others would do the same as that is that America is all about, freedom of expression.
I am sorry you took this post so hard and for some reason took this as a personal attack and a racial one as I can assure you that neither is true. Do I dislike Obama and what I believe he stands for? Sure I do. But are people really that shallow that by using someones real name it can stir up feelings of Racism?
Just some thoughts to consider.