Obviuosly you have no problem
buying from a seller outside of the States though huh? And this is my point. The sellers who will not send out of the country have no qualms about buying from out of the country.
I compare it to "early birds" who go to garage sales and try their best to beat the crowd YET...when they are having their own sales,they are usually the ones who are the most adamant about not letting early birds in. It just cannot be a one way thing.
And why are you concerned so much about feedback and getting negatives. You pay/he sends and you get it.If it takes a month...so what? If the communication is there,then what is the problem? If you are both happy at the end...no problem.I mean...you went all of your life without the item and now...because you(not just you....anyone in this position) might have to wait some extra time you freak out?
I have been waiting over 3 weeks for a payment now from Belgium. Am I worried? Nope. He has great feedback and tells me that payment is on the way so I wait.Who cares? The money will get here and what is the worst that can happen?....hmmmm...well....I still have the item and if payment does not arrive I have lost a buck or two in fees. That's it! Not really worth losing sleep over. Know what I am sayin'?
BESIDES...Canada is not some freakin' third world country.We are your neighbors so what is the big deal?