I will be trying to get there early, heck we can trade in the rainy parking lot for all I care.
Iwill have the remainder of the Chicagoland Chippers Charity Chip (and a few chips that were donated for sale as part of the deal.
I will Have the 'Peacocks Can't Fly chips made by Greg' for those who were promised them, a couple will be given away or auctioned off (I will discuss that with Susan our hostess). I will also have a few other giveaways with me.
I will have SHOOP'S personals from last convention available for trade (if you want one bring a personal, or work it out with him for something else-I'll deal whatever he wants me to deal). I will also have the evil chips which are cursed, available to be viewed (not for squeamish). Shoop should explain reason they were made.
I will have some chips for sale, several for trade, and some other items that I would like to trade for chips I need or ones I canadd to my trader book which needs an infusion.
You will get to see what happens to a Chicago educated lawyer, who spends several months laid up on a river in the Indiana countryside. Hmmmm.
I WANT YOU THERE (Iknow where you live ). It will be fun, lets see that chippin enthusiasm, lets see the spirit that will escalate into June and #16.
Can a man get a woooo from the choir?