Maybe. 1974. Keyport, Washinton. Torpedo Shop? Like sandwiches? Nope. Like those things that blow up battleships. According to the map, as you travel to Keyport, you drive by an outfit name of Naval Undersea Engineering Station. I'd imagine that would be U.S. Naval... Looks out on Pudget Sound. Just a couple miles west is Bangor Navel Reservation. Street names like Nautilus, Thresher, Trigger, etc. Not just mariners but
sub-mariners there. Bangor accesses the world via Hood Canal. Pretty cool to take the Hood Canal Bridge, if the waves aren't breaking over the sides. Might see yourself a "Boomer" heading out to keep the Bad Guys honest. Might see an Orca too. If the Great White Fathers grant permission, perhaps you spot Native Americans out on a traditional whale hunt. Harpoon 'em you know. After they chase the whale with the twin Evinrudes. Harpooning is kinda dangerous but the whalers even up the odds so to speak. Nail that animal a few times with a Barret .50 caliber semi-auto rifle. Blubber flyin', GreenPeacers faintin'. Then the harpoon.
Lots of casinos and cardrooms out that way. The Torpedo Shop is closed now. There's a quarter chip, half, another dollar, a five and a sawbuck denomination as well. Still a resturant there, but with a different name. Don't know if they got heros, but I'd bet you could at least get a burger and a Red Hook. Sounds like a pretty good daytrip. Shoot, just keep going after you come out of Seven Cedars there in Sequim (you're pronouncing it wrong!) and take in the whole of Olympic Pensiula. Stop at Queets. Ever been to Belfair? I have. 8oo souls and 250,000 trees. Lots of shady days in Belfair.
They actually do have sunshine there, FedEx brings in several boxes of it during the week.
This thing is hard to scan, it's a pretty chip. Anyone else got any? I'll be checking out the Torpedo Shop binders at the Big Show in June.