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The Chip Board Archive 18
Yes,Dennis,the sentiment was always perfect!!
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Dennis, the words can always be polished up, but..
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special Ad in this years Conv Booklet!
Cool AD Shoooooop!
I agree, Very Cool!!!
SHOOP, I agree, Very Cool!!!
Not to nit pick but there are 2 typos in the ad
So, I think that you are saying it should read...
Yes,Jim that's how it should read
Got it Michael and Jim... Thanks for the help!
Neat Stuff Dennis
Re: special Ad in this years Conv Booklet!
Mike, I am NOT the Grammar Police!!!
Thanks for the help Michael!
Thanks for the help Jim,Michael,& Todd!
You are very welcome Dennis!!
You are very welcome Todd!!
Dennis, the words can always be polished up, but..
Yes,Dennis,the sentiment was always perfect!!
Dennis, I wasn't trying to diminish your sentiment
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