Doug, I hate to disagree with you, but what has George Bush done to help you succeed in your life? Nothing. You have succeeded on your own. To state you are better off is oranges compared to the apples of how Bush has misled this country in an innumerable number of areas. As for Leno's statements, should we be thankful to Bush because we have not LOST all those things? That was the state of life before Bush and it will be so after Bush. We should be grateful to Bush because we have not lost life liberties that were present before he took office? Americans are upset with Bush because almost every place he has laid his hands he has screwed things up. We'd be happier if he stayed in bed and watched tv all day. At least then he isn't screwing anything up. His entire administration is staffed with cronies. His energy dept is staffed with oil executives. I could go on and on. I don't have enough time and energy to espouse everything Bush has screwed up - many things the average American doesn't even realize how bad he has screwed the American people.