On behalf of the members of the new Planning Committee, I thank and applaud President Wayne Thompson and the club's BOD for approving the Planning Committee. We will work hard to forward ideas that may have the potential to improve aspects of the club. The PC itself has no powers beyond discussion and debate, but we will use our forum to advance member ideas and suggestions to assist the BOD bring this club forward. Our goal is not to be antagonistic but to be proactive, suggestive and helpful.
The PC welcomes any club member to contact any PC member at any time to bring forward an idea or suggestion for consideration. We ask for you to detail as much information as you can so the PC can review and discuss your ideas.
Any member who proposes an idea to the PC for discussion will receive a formal reply of our deliberations. If the PC votes in favor of an idea or suggestion, we will forward it to the BOD for formal consideration. If the PC does not vote in favor, we will notify the member the reasons why and that member will still have every right to still contact the BOD directly with his/her idea.
Some ideas and suggestions may need to go directly to the BOD or other volunteer members such as for convention issues. If there is not a specific person designated to address an issue, the PC will address it. The PC will also be available to all club volunteers who hold titles who may want feedback on ideas related to their specific club function. The PC welcomes this. Of course, the BOD will task the PC to debate and discuss ideas and we will always make these a primary focus of our time.
The PC will deliberate twice per month starting approximately on the 1st and 15th of each month. Club members are encouraged to contact any PC member with their ideas and those ideas will become agenda items in our deliberations. The PC asks that members contact any PC member by EMAIL. The PC will not be conducting our deliberations on the message forums and may not see requests if posted here.
PC members are club members first, and as such will still voice their own opinions while posting on the message boards. No members will be restricted from making posts although PC deliberations will not be posted. Each person including myself speaks for themself at all times. Personal comments and opinions should always be considered that person's personal opinions and not the opinion of the PC or the club unless specifically posted as such.
As Chairperson, I will report to the BOD and the club. I will send formal emails to Wayne and make periodic message board posts of our deliberations as appropriate.
The PC is currently not going to expand the number of members from the current level of 12, but I welcome anyone who is interested in possibly joining the PC as openings arise to notify me and I will add your name to a waiting list.
The club still needs volunteers to do many things and I am sure that if you volunteer to help, Wayne can find many things that the club needs help with for you to assist with. Please contact Wayne if you wish to step up and volunteer.
In conclusion, we, the undersigned Planning Committee members, stand ready to assist all club members forward ideas to help and improve the club. Thank you.
Steve Margolis (Chairman), R-7695
Claude Argo, R-7304
Steve Bedo, LM-5259-111
Archie Black, HLM-001
Julie Brown, R-6461
Michael Downey, R-6202
Bill Dunham, R-7467
Jim Follis, LM 3872-53
Carl Kogut, R-7169
Debby Meister, LM-5891-126
Norm Patton, R-7576
Mike Pellerin, R-5986