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The Chip Board Archive 18

Going to the 2008 ccgtcc Convention?

If so, are you staying somewhere other than the convention hotel - the Riviera?

For many of you, the cost of a hotel room is not an issue. For some of us, the cost of the room can be a make or break issue for attending the convention. If cost is an issue for you, please keep reading.

It is imperative for the club to meet our room quota this year more so than any other. If you are staying anywhere else other than the Riviera, consider sharing a room with another club member (that's $45 per night each). This will give you all the advantages of staying at the convention hotel and help the club meet its room quota. And for that price, how much more can you really save staying somewhere else when you consider the advantages of not having to walk, bus or cab back and forth to your other hotel several times per day.

I have set up a web page for folks to find a roommate. If you will simply email me, I will provide you with a link. No one has registered yet and it will just take one or two people to sign up to get the ball rolling.

Please email with comments, questions or suggestions.


Copyright 2022 David Spragg