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The Chip Board Archive 18

Too deep. 3 men missing; the Captain (a co-owner)

... a First Mate and a Cook.

A small crew was on board when the boat sailed north from its berth in Palm Beach, trying to out run Hurricane Erin (lost approx. 90 miles east of Port Canaveral). The seven other crew members were rescued by US Coast Guard swimmers who hung from steel cables in hurricane force winds and 20-ft seas. An eighth member of the 11-man crew was rescued by a Russian merchant vessel. No passengers were on board.


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grin for sale $100 Over Face for sale grin
Let's get a dive team going-How many people died?
Too deep. 3 men missing; the Captain (a co-owner)
I should also mention that ...
Very interesting story John Thanks...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg