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The Chip Board Archive 18

My view about club discussions on this venue...

There have been a few issues raised recently regarding the convention. At some point, in each case, it has been suggested that the proper place for these discussions is the club web site. I respectfully disagree. I would concede that the club site is perfectly appropriate for the discussion, but is not necessarily ‘more’ appropriate.

My reasoning is based upon how I see the roles of the two sites. For those that assume or believe that the two sites are interchangeable, they are not. The club site serves several critical roles. It is the on-line location for club members (and non members) to ask club related questions, and to obtain answers from club officers. It is the appropriate location for club officers in their official capacity to comment on relevant issues, it is the best place to look for announcements (although Jim Follis does a dandy job of keeping the chipboard noticed about such announcements).

I don’t see it as a good venue for an open discussion of issues related to the hobby as we frequently see on the chipboard. On the chipboard, some of the discussions are very free wheeling (that is a polite way of saying it grin), and splinter off in various ways. Greg has allowed this to occur with a minimum of interference, so it has the feel of a neighborhood pub. The club site is not frequented as often, it must put forth a more formal persona, somewhat like a city council meeting. The club site would be an excellent site for a moderated discussion.

Often times the discussion on the Chipboard is a mass of opinions and reactions. The opportunity to express these freely allows the club leaders to take a more accurate picture of the views and feelings of the membership. It also provides members with a release which is frequently what they need most. But to allow this type of freewheeling to occur uncontrolled on the club site could give a poor image to prospective members.

I have seen it suggested, including to me, that what is a general discussion should be presented as a proposal to the BOD. A discussion is not a proposal. As an example, On several occasions, I have seen the issue of additional conventions, or secondary events hosted by the club discussed. Personally, I would love to see them, however with all the discussion, the litany of pros and cons, and the variety of opinions, I have yet to see it reach the level where a proposal would be appropriate. I think Archie says it best, someone (or a bunch of someones) would have to commit to a lot of work before anything else could begin to be discussed.

I also think that having two different places where discussions may occur allows those club officials who may have more info, or at the very least some insight as to why things are being done to engage in discussions as private members on the chipboard, and as officials on the club site.

The discussions recently on the decision to cancel (if that is the right word) the Wed trade session-scheduled before the banquet; the room issue at the Riv. and the ‘benefits’ for staying at the host hotel; as well as other issues important to the hobby and to club members are important for the long term health of the hobby and the club. But only if those discussions remain, reasonable, rational, and respectful.

If they are nothing more than whine and moan sessions, and legitimate points are ignored or ridiculed just because they conflict with another view, then it only creates bad blood, and hinders the club. It is also an opportunity for members to demonstrate the importance of certain ideas (like an early trade session) by forming an informal one (a path suggested by severalfolks and endorsed by Cigarman). Greg’s site is a great place to plan it, if it was planned on the club site, then it could appear to be a formal get together or carry the endorsement of the BOD.

In fairness, I want to point out that there were several well thought out, and sincere views expressed on both sides of the issue. This obviously includes the statements by Fred Hempel and Doug Smith. Although they disagreed, both were well stated and added to the discussion (full disclosure- they are both my friends, and I respect their views, so I may be a bit biased when it comes to them-but as they would both tell you, I have not been afraid to express views that each of them has disagreed with). grin

I have not personally taken advantage of that particular trade session, but have found the trade sessions to be a vibrant part of the convention, and one point I have not seen mentioned is it is the most efficient teaching opportunity I have experienced at the convention or in the club. It does suggest that there are many great things going on so that all the members are considered. I also enjoyed Shoop’s message reminding all of us that the convention is more than the sum of its parts, that is why I love grandpa shoop. vbg

In conclusion, the chipboard is an excellent venue for a general discussion, or for planning get togethers that are not club sponsored. Differring views can be (and should be) expressed without resorting to harsh words or nasty comments (or being subject to ridicule). It also allows club officials an opportunity to engage in the discussions in an informal manner. If specific questions or proposals need to be addressed to the BOD, then the club site is the best venue for that, along with announcements by the board.

In the end, we all want to have the best club and the best convention. I appreciate all the hard work all the folks who donate their time and energy to club put in to make the convention such a wonderful experience, and genuinely hope to see all of you there in June. This is my opinion, but I do welcome the alternate points of view I already know to exist.

OK we also all want the best chip (and maybe a trader).

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My view about club discussions on this venue...
Aaron, Your still after the longest Post title
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Re: My view about club discussions on this venue..
Re: My view about club discussions on this venue..
Re: My view about club discussions on this venue..
Re: My view about club discussions on this venue..
Wait a min. I'm Still On the ORIGINAL Post! WHWE!!
rofl vbg vbg rofl

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