The BOD members don't read every message on this board. Does anyone? However, there is a BOD person (Jim Follis) who as online communications director will answer most inquiries and forward others to the appropriate BOD members ON THE CLUB BOARD when more urgent or important.
Membership renews quarterly. Maybe that point needs to be made more clear, but no matter when you send in an email, your membership will renew quarterly. For this quarter, I believe that is March 31. If you sent a membership email in this calendar year, it will be processed with all the other requests for that date.
If you think immediate replies are part of the job, run for the job and devote your life to answering hundreds of emails from members for all kinds of both important and stupid stuff all the time. Half of the questions should be able to be answered by the member if they simply tracked their own membership. How hard is it to place your membership card in your wallet and remember what month you renew in? That seems to be the majority of the questions. It is the member's responsibility to mail in their renewals each year before the expiration date to get it renewed on time whether you get a bill for it in the mail or not.
Having unrealistic expectations for these volunteer members makes their jobs much more difficult than they already are. Club business is posted on the club board. Sunday, the membership director, made a very simple to understand post there that she will be out of touch for a few weeks. Honestly, what can you possibly need from her that can't wait for her to reply in a few weeks?
I thought the 1980's was the me generation. Apparently, the generation lives on...