Contest is closed.

Messages In This Thread
- Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
- Jim all I know is whever sent the 5.00 Sharley's
- typo --whoever -- Sharkeys
- ..& then there is a chip worth 50ยข to $1. .
- Rich, the interesting thing for me, and perhaps...
- Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
- Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
- Ron 3 correct! Best so far. Jim
- Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
- Dan, despite and error copyiong down names...
- Thursday's Guess
- Re: Thursday's Guess
- My Thursday Guess
- Virgil 4 correct and 1 1/2 credit!
- Dan, 3 correct. Whats with your listing...
- 3 correct, exactly! Jim
- Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
- Michael, 3 correct and 1 1/2 credit! Jim
- Jim, you missed my Thursday guess.
- Ron, I did post a response...
- My Friday Guess
- Virgil, 3 correct and 1 1/2 credit! Jim
- My Saturday Guess
- Virgil, 4 correct! Jim
- Jimbo Guess!
- Stu, you devil you!... 4 correct! Jim
- My Entry....
- Jim, 4 correct! My best clue has already been...
- My Sunday Guess
- Virgil, your best yet! 6 fully correct!
- Contest is closed.
Copyright 2022 David Spragg