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The Chip Board Archive 18
Im trying to figure it out Doug????
In Response To:
Re: AWESOME Addition to the Obsolete Collection...
but dont see anything wrong with the url ?????? GREG where the heck are ya I wanna see Dougs chips!!!!
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AWESOME Addition to the Obsolete Collection....
Re: AWESOME Addition to the Obsolete Collection...
Re: AWESOME Addition to the Obsolete Collection...
Im trying to figure it out Doug????
Re: AWESOME Addition to the Obsolete Collection...
U traded $10 in chips for $2. Great move FUZZLE.
........ and the chips U got U can't even cash in!
Great Trade Dennis !!!! Love the Obsoletes
Hey Tom, Remember this Promise made on the Board
JarMan U should B a private " I ". Be like a
Still A Jerk &
Re: Still A Jerk !! IGNORE HIM BRIAN
Reynolds ...... want 2B clicker.
The "CLICK" is forming 1st. time in 2008.
Re: The "CLICK" is forming 1st. time in 2008.
What do you have 4 me? A SplashGuard?
You little boy, Still A Jerk
I read what U brought uP again and still make the
I guess your "Promise" is completely worthless
Re: so why keep bringing it up?
Dave, A very wise man once said ............
It's ALL the voices in my head talking at once!
I don't think sound exists in a vacuum
Nope your wrong! One hell of a echo going on.
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