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The Chip Board Archive 18

Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!

Well, I've waited about as long as I can and there still seems to be one hold out, who will remain un-named for the moment. However, while I have been patiently waiting, I've neglected to tell the others that their offerings have arrived (somewhat) safely. And in many instances, I am quite pleased and very happy to show off my lot of chips for being the 2nd Half top winner in Andy's NFL 33 Point and Pool contest.

But rather than just post my thanks, I thought that I would turn this into a contest. Although it will be a difficult contest, the answers are all completely available via email addys from this Message Board, or by solving the logic problem that gets revealed over time. So here goes....

Scanned for everyones viewing pleasure is the lot of chips I received (or didn't receive) from the following participants:

Andy Hughes, Jay Wriggins, Michael Clemente, Ted Phillips, Mike Heron, Mike Skelton, Barry Hauptman, Jay Sands, Kevin Aydelott, Dennis Shoop, Fred Hempel, Stu Lovett, Steve Blust, Bob Orme, Ken Nestle, Nate Pincus, Mark Britton, Ralph Myers, Ed Badger and William Pentecost.

20 names in all. But wait! I see 21 chips in the scan, and I know that one participant has NOT sent a chip. So how do you figure the overage? Well, there is a bit more to this because as if to make up for one participants shortfall, another participant sent two $5 chips, and another one erroneously sent a $1 and when appraised of the mistake, said keep the one, and sent along the correct value ($5) chip. To complicate matters more, one participant emailed me asking if we should just declare a push for my win and his win in the last 33-points payoff. This means a shortfall of two chips. But there was another complicator. One of the participants was also in the Slot Card Christmas Card exchange project (over on the Slot Card BBS) and sent 3 slot cards along with the prize chip. But alas, the envelope arrived with about a 1.5 inch slit on one edge of the envelope. All three cards were present, but not the chip! I don't know what chip was sent, but the participant replaced it, even when told that it was not necessary, as I was more than covered by the participant that sent two qualifying chips.

Well, that about covers everything of importance about what was send and received (or not) and all that remains now is for the first person to correctly associate what chip(s) each participant was responsible for sending to me, and which two, for the reasons stated above, did not send a chip at all. (While one was OK, the other was/is NOT!)

So, what then do I offer in the way of a prize?...

To begin with, in the event that the lone hold out comes forward with an offering (a $5 chip anyway) that chip will be part of the prize and represents 1 item of a lot of 11 possible total prize items, as follows.

Entrants may begin posting their answers as soon as I post the contest, i.e., now! Each contestant is allowed to post one entry in each 24 hour period of a day between now and Super Bowl Sunday, including Super Bowl Sunday day. Each time a contestant has any correct associations of participant(s) to chip(s), I will state just how many correct associations were made, but I will not say which ones were correct or wrong, only the total number of correct associations.

The first contestant to correctly make all the associations will win the accumulated prizes. A new prize gets added every day that there is no winner. The prize for January 24th is the yet to be identified, not-yet-received offering (which may never materialize) from one of the participants on the list of twenty names, above.

Good luck, and NO, I will not answer questions that give away associations.

Oh, and have fun!


Messages In This Thread

Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
Jim all I know is whever sent the 5.00 Sharley's
typo --whoever -- Sharkeys
..& then there is a chip worth 50ยข to $1. .
Rich, the interesting thing for me, and perhaps...
Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
Ron 3 correct! Best so far. Jim
Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
Dan, despite and error copyiong down names...
Thursday's Guess
Re: Thursday's Guess
My Thursday Guess
Virgil 4 correct and 1 1/2 credit!
Dan, 3 correct. Whats with your listing...
3 correct, exactly! Jim
Re: Andy's $5 NFL result and a CONTEST!!!!!
Michael, 3 correct and 1 1/2 credit! Jim
Jim, you missed my Thursday guess.
Ron, I did post a response...
My Friday Guess
Virgil, 3 correct and 1 1/2 credit! Jim
My Saturday Guess
Virgil, 4 correct! Jim
Jimbo Guess!
Stu, you devil you!... 4 correct! Jim
My Entry....
Jim, 4 correct! My best clue has already been...
My Sunday Guess
Virgil, your best yet! 6 fully correct!
Contest is closed.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg