try playing two games during the Wednesday night game!!

I play anywhere from two to four tables at once when I play (usually multi-table Sit 'N Go's) and have been very
LUCKY so far doing that. At the six-player Sit 'N Go, I was down to $225 and had been getting no cards (saw the flop on two hands out of 36). I was under the gun, blinds at $150 & went all-in with 6 8 off-suit and had three callers. Hit the straight on the flop and let the big stack pick-off the other players. When it got down to the two of us, I had $1200 versus $7800 and then got an amazing run of cards over the next fifteen to twenty hands, including AA & KK twice each plus two other pocket pairs. The final hand, I was dealt JJ flop came A J T, other player went all-in with A T & that was all she wrote. I'm getting my "Better lucky than good" tattoo later this week
