yes Jim, last week we had a rebar wall fall on some rodbusters. From what I got out of the story, 3 to 4 guys were tied off to the wall (125 foot long x 25 foot high) tying rebar, and one guy was on the ground below. The wall fell and the guys on the wall rode it down on the topside but I heard it fell on the guy on the ground. I know there were about 6 ambulances on site. I watched them load up a few guys and leave. Don't know what happened to them. I heard on the news they would all be ok, but I heard Fri. on the job that one of them passed away. Have not heard anything else on their conditions.
Also today I heard that a pipefitter at Encore fell to his death Sat from some ductwork in the ceiling. Not a good start to this new year
God Speed to another lost Brother....