Tough to use the computer without fingers.
PokerStars Tournament #71543551, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50
9 players
Total Prize Pool: $45.00
Tournament started - 2008/01/01 - 20:55:56 (ET)
Tournament finished - 2008/01/01 - 21:08:06 (ET)
1: SpongeBobSquarePants (TV Land), $22.50 (50%)
2: HomerSimpson (Springfield), $13.50 (30%)
3: Spot (The Doghouse), $9.00 (20%)
4: MichaelJackson (The Kids Bedroom),
5: Fidel Castro (Cuba),
6: Mr Rodgers (The Neighborhood),
7: Mork (Ork),
8: Britney Spears (Rehab),
9: Osama Bin Laden (The Corner 7-11),
You finished in 3rd place