Me either!!!

Messages In This Thread
Florida chips for sale
- Re:
MORE Florida chips for sale
- just a RED X John
- I can see them.....
- can you email me the scans then?
- Me either!!!
- Re: Me either!!!
- Nor can I
- Ill take the Flafler GO $5
- make that Fla"g"ler
- Is there anyone else who can't see my scans?
- No picture - No Scan
- i see them
- Re:No scans 'til I hit I see 'em
- just a RED X John
- I see them
- Just a red x for me too.
- Just a red x for me also
- I can't see them.
- Can not see them just the red X.
- I see them perfectly John
- John, check your email please, and
- Wow! There is a definite problem.....
- Might check this out,,,,,
- Re: Wow! There is a definite problem.....
- can ya see Johns scans here?....
- Yes, I see them now. Thanks!
- Yes, I see them now.
- Re: can ya see Johns scans here?....
- Re: I Think Your problem.....
- Ja, und vhat iss wrong mit der vavy character?
Copyright 2022 David Spragg