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The Chip Board Archive 17

Actually someone who says something that is untrue

is telling a Lie and those that speak things that are untrue are LIARS.

Spin it any way you want Tom, In my book thats what you are !!!!!!!!!!!

I assume you were just having fun when you promised to donate $100 to the building fund which you never did? In my book one who makes promises and then breaks them is also a liar. I am sure you have a way to spin that situation as well.

This will be the last time I reply to your posts.


Messages In This Thread

To Tom Bondi.......
Dennis...just do what most here do...
Thanks Steve! your right BUT......
But ,,,, U can't ignore me! FuzzleS
Dennis, I am sure you remember when Tom lied to
Nice framed display Doug....
Thanks Bob, an interesting night in Vegas to say
Re: Nice framed display Doug....
I only got comped $1,000 seats and was lucky to
fairly easy to guess Doug!
Norm GET a ALARM system! The END. PEACE
A BIG difference between lying and joking!
Actually someone who says something that is untrue
U will reply again! The building fund is a lie.
For those new to the board ...
How is Chuck Tomarchio?
I am alive and well; thanks for asking! vbg
Must have missed it
Great thread Steve, and only one concerning the
Oh! Please! Lighten uP!
You are a sick person!!
Re: Oh! Please! Lighten uP!
Worry about yourself.
Re: Oh! Please! Lighten uP!
John, In case you missed the posts made yesterday
Not for nothing Tom get a life u need it..........
CAN we mutually Vote to remove a member we feel
Simply because we agree that he's an IDIOT
Steve move here BUY my house vbg
Re: Simply because we agree that he's an IDIOT
since this is a Public forum
Public forum - Are You Sure?
Re: Public forum - Are You Sure?
It's a private forum
I agree with you mark !!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg