The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

The message is ....
In Response To: What's the message here? ()

The message is: This is something that I can do to help the casino collectible hobby. I know it is not going to make a big difference to someone who is banned if they just cannot access the Caribbean ChipGuide. But, if enough of us work together to ban these bad guys from hobby resources, perhaps we can make an impact.

Messages In This Thread

Banned List
I would suggest that ...
I Agree
Not my site ... it's Kaplan's ... grin
Libel Concerns
Add Trimble & Spragg --- they're pains in the a$$!
rofl rofl rofl rofl
I smell a lawsuit grin
Try soap.
vbg vbg
What's the message here?
The message is ....
Re: The message is ....
Re: Banned List
Don, I agree with you
Let me be clear...
You are Welcome
...and this one time, at Banned Camp

Copyright 2022 David Spragg