It seems that,,,,

things always happen to the good people. You and your family are wonderful people. When I first joined this wonderful club you were one of the first to welcome me and send me some chips. You have no idea how much that meant to me. I would never have seen or gotten those chips if it hadn't been for you. I will never forget everyone here and the wonderful support they have for their members. My wife & I have you and your family in our prayers. I hope & pray 2008 brings happiness to your family. Lord knows you all deserve it. You & your family have been through so much this year. I hope & pray things look up for you all now. I might not post here much but I read the posts several times a day. I love the members here and I am Thankful I am a member. Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will be thinking of you all. Have a great day, Mark