Just celebrating the purchase of my last Christmas gift for the year! Hannah Montana and HS Musical 2 stuff for my 9 yo granddaughter. If it weren't for this big cold I've got and the medicine to relieve it, I'd be sipping one of the regional seasonal ales. Yep, here in Beervana (Portland, OR.) we got beers for the seasons!

Here's a 22 ouncer I picked up tonight also that I'll split with my cousin on Christmas Eve. Pretty good name, Wreck the Halls, and it comes from my hometown, about an hour up the Columbia.

Full Sail also makes the more readily available Wassail winter ale as well. Usually these libations are a little dark and warm you up with a mild stout flavor. Indeed, my fav is Snowplow milk stout, "The Ultimate Defroster". I think they throw in a little roasted coffee and some dark choclate too. They make it down by the Willamette River 10 minutes from my house. These beers are fun to drink and the brewery folks take pride in them. Two blocks up the street from my house, take a right at Starbucks and keep hoofin' till you get to the alehouse that produces Ebenezer. Boy,
this is a good one!

Best label has got to be the one for Snow Cap from the Pyramid Brewery at the north end of town, camels, palm trees and the pyramids capped with snow.

Best winter ale name...Old Tannum Bomb. Oh man, time for a Nyquil after I wrap all the presents for all the ladies I see on my job almost everyday. What am I going to give these flowers who make my workday better? For a thrifty $5 each? You wouldn't believe it guys! Who knew! But I'll get 365 smiles from Linda, Jody, Mellissa, Dixie, Karen and Jackie until 12/25/08!