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The Chip Board Archive 17

Lesson Learned

1. The seller does not hide the identities, eBay does.

2. The seller did everything by the rules. Second chance offers are legit, and although we here whould like to know how many of a "rare" chip the seller has, the seller does not have to disclose how many he has.

The lesson to be learned here: When you see a chip come up that is "rare" and you plan on bidding what you think is a lot of money, ASK the seller how many of the "rare" chip he has. If you don't get an answer, you got the answer.

I learned it the hard way too. At least you didn't win!

Messages In This Thread

(Message Deleted by Poster)
What am I missing?
Re: What am I missing?
I agree somewhat
Re: What am I missing?
Re: What am I missing?
Re: What am I missing?
You deleted the first post....
Re: You deleted the first post....
What's unethical?
Did you ...
Seller has no obligation to disclose his inventory
Re: Seller has no obligation to disclose his inven
Lesson Learned
Re: Lesson Learned
Re: Lesson Learned
Re: Seller has no obligation to disclose his inven
I Have Negotiated Down on 2nd Chance Offers

Copyright 2022 David Spragg