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The Chip Board Archive 17

rick i got a one for ya....
In Response To: new computor ()

its not a bad beat but a could have been.i went to the praire band casino last nite and played on the let it ride table game.i got a stright flush on there and it paid me 700.00.
if i would have had an ace turn over instead of a 9 i would have had a royal flush.and the sick part is that royal flush would have paid me 12,000.what a differnce 1 card would have made from 700.00 to 12, now part of it went into the savings for convention and the rest is going on xmas.dam you ace rofl and i do feel ya pain i once got pair of aces and the flop came AKK so thought i had a good hand with full house off the flop.long story short the other person had pocket k's nuff said rofl so ya know how that turned out.

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new computor
Way to go Dawn! grin grin
Stay with the Mac
Re: Stay with the Mac
Hey Mr. Rick
Re:Canadian matchcovers...
rick i got a one for ya....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg