Archie, do you just like to argue ...
or can you not read. I never said it happened in this country. I said IT SHOULD HAPPEN. For crying out loud, if we ever do execute a prisoner, they swab the arm with alcohol before they insert the needle. What are they afraid of, infection? What costs the taxpayers the most is keeping that swine on death row for ten to twenty years allowing court action after court action waiting for some bleeding heart judge to say it is cruel and unusual punishment. Who gives a sh!t if it's cruel? I guess their actions were not cruel. I'm tired of hearing about their rights. What about the victim's rights? And I don't mean every single prisoner. I mean those who are convicted of a capital offense without a shadow of doubt, i.e. undeniable DNA evidence, forensic evidence, video evidence, etc. Our current system protects the criminals more than the citizens.
Sorry for the rant, but this issue hits very close to home. It's personal now.