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The Chip Board Archive 17

Naughty Words

All of a sudden I started getting emails from people wanting to know why their posts weren't being accepted. As most of you know, there is a naughty word list that keeps certain posts from being accepted. This list also contains many words that aren't naughty, but have been consistently found in spam posts. Some of those catch innocent post on occasion, but not too often. For example, the word c i a l i s is on the list, which keeps you from being able to use the word s p e c i a l i s t.

Anyway, I replied to the first couple emails in my usual way, sending them a list of the words on the list so that they could check their posts and see where the problem was.

Then I hopped on the board and started reading. I got to this post and typed a reply. Boom! I got hit with the naughty word message. I looked my message over many many times and could not find any instance where I had used any word on the list. It just so happens though, that the naughty word list also had a string of digits in it that one time were associated with a lot of spams we got on the board one day. Each post has a number assigned to it. It just so happens that the number of the post that Phyllis made contained that same string of digits. grin So, whenever someone tried to respond to her post, their post was rejected because of those digits.

I've removed that entry in the list and we'll know if it worked if you can read this post. grin


Messages In This Thread

grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Re: grin Calif basement/cellar?
No cellers or basements in this area!
Naughty Words
no basements in South Carolina
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Very few basements here
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Does a 20-case plug-in wine cellar count? vbg
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Hey John....
I have basement with 9' walls
Looks good... Please keep us updated w/ progress.
Thanks John, it's actually finished!
grin Thanks, Everyone...
Not in the Mississippi Delta

Copyright 2022 David Spragg