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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: I am royally sorry!
In Response To: I am royally sorry! ()

For me, don't mention it. I believe it was the day after we were attacked on September 11, 2001 when the Coldstream Guards played The Star-Spangled Banner in front of Buckingham Palace. I saw it on TV and thought that was a nice touch until my brother, a British history buff, told me that they had never publicly played it before, ever. With that demonstration of respect I won't get stampeded by a bunch of ill-behaving drunks. For some reason we, ourselves, keep inviting singers(?) to do “their” rendition, usually awful, at sporting events, but that’s just me. USA

Messages In This Thread

"Oh, say can you see some Brits are royally sorry"
I am royally sorry!
Its a regular thing at international sports events
Re: I am royally sorry!

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