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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: I can't renew my CC>CC membership!!!!

Whinge seconded. I have long toyed with the idea of joining but not being able to do it online (yes I'm a little lazy) and the extra cost of an international money order has been the only thing stopping me. I think online registration would see quite a few more international members.

Side note for you Tim - your chips will be in the post Monday.

Messages In This Thread

I can't renew my CC>CC membership!!!!
Re: I can't renew my CC>CC membership!!!!
Re: I can't renew my CC>CC membership!!!!
rofl rofl rofl No such thing...
Re: I can't renew my CC>CC membership!!!!
Re: I can't renew my CC>CC membership!!!!
Tim and Shane. Paypal me the $$ if you like and I
Thanks for the offers everyone....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg