I also agree that this isn't the place. If I did frequent a forum that debated the climate question, it would probably be fruitless, because it's more like religion (based on belief) than science (based on facts). The two are fine on their own, but when you toss in politics, it's a bigger morass than I care to wade through.
With that, I'm not going to answer glaciers melting, even though the inland areas of the poles, are gaining in mass, or try to point out the numerous flaws in Gore's position and his information which is not even accepted or accurate, according to those who support the THEORY of global warming. In the same manner, Rush is no more of a scientist that Gore. Just denying something, doesn't make it go away. Talk show hosts are entertainers, nothing more, in my opinion. Gore is nothing more than a partisan politician.
In case anything I wrote or will write in the future seems to come across as a closed minded old fart. Honest I'm not. I support the right to your opinion Frank (and everyone else) even though I may disagree. Of course, I'm not politically correct either, because I don't think we should censor thoughts and words, because they aren't the same ones that I believe in.
Chip collecting is why I'm here and that's the way it should be.
Merry Christmas everyone, Seasons Greetings, or Happy Holidays, whatever your choice. Best wishes.