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The Chip Board Archive 17

Caribbean ChipGuide - Feature of the Day

Many collectors have sent me scans of Caribbean chips that are not currently in the Caribbean ChipGuide. Thank you. I will try to get these added as soon as I can, but it is time consuming and will take a while before I can get them all done. Please don't send scans of chips from Puerto Rico or Cuba yet, at least until l let you know that I have finished scanning in the chips from my collection in these locations.

I added a feature to the Caribbean ChipGuide to help you submit your chips, it's called "Submit Your Chips". On every page of the CCG, you will find a link to "Submit Your Chips" on the left hand side in the features section. It has guidelines for what type of information and scans I need and how to submit them. Basically, I will take whatever you send me, but for optimal results chip scans should be 240x240 pixels with a resolution of 150 dpi (dots per inch) or greater. If you could do a circle crop on the chip and make sure that it is orientated correctly, that would be heaven.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg