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The Chip Board Archive 17

Local club contacts wanted for want list swaps

I am looking for contacts who attend local club meetings in the following areas: Florida, New York/New Jersey, Washington, California, Nevada, and any other area willing to participate.. FYI I am in the Chicago area. One contact per area will be sufficient. My idea is this (I hope I make this clear). Let's use the Chicago and Florida areas as an example. Local club members in Florida for example, would email their want lists to me. These want lists should have return emails listed, whether they are willing to trade, buy, or both, and of course a list of their wanted chips. I would print out 15-20 of each list and take them to the Chicago trade session for people to look over. If they had any of the wanted chips, they would take a copy home with them and contact the wanter (is that even a word??) directly. And when there would be an upcoming session in the Florida area, I would send the contact the want lists from the Chicago area. This might help folks get those chips they're looking for. And you wouldn't have to limit yourself to the chips from the Chicago area, never would know who has that one chip you're looking for. As i said, I'm willing to be the contactee in the Chicago area. Even if someone couldn't attend the session, since everything would be electronic anyway, they could be emailed.

Well, what do you think?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg